Hi Blog. It's Been a While...

Like, a year-and-a-half, to be exact. Time to blow the metaphorical dust off this one. New Title, New Direction, New Quarter-Life Crises, GO! I'm going to try and bring this back. Why? Because I make whiny little posts like this! (prepare your feels) #firstworldproblems -- I can't make enough money to save money. What a loser. Can't get a girl so he posts to Facebook like an idiot Oh, boo hoo. You sucked for a change. Suck it up. Welcome to the 99% problem. And you know what? One or two of these posts aren't going to hurt anyone, and it's not like I feel that bad for having vulnerabilities, but it seems like if anything has gone even a bit wrong in my life I have to write a bad Facebook post instead of actually facing my problems! Which gives me a good reason to write about them in order to face them. I suppose I could simply privately journal these issues, but what fun is it to not put yourself out there? This only leads to fr...