Hi Blog. It's Been a While...

Like, a year-and-a-half, to be exact. Time to blow the metaphorical dust off this one. 

New Title, New Direction, New Quarter-Life Crises, GO!

I'm going to try and bring this back. Why? Because I make whiny little posts like this! (prepare your feels)

#firstworldproblems -- I can't make enough money to save money.

What a loser. Can't get a girl so he posts to Facebook like an idiot

Oh, boo hoo. You sucked for a change. Suck it up.

Welcome to the 99% problem.

And you know what? One or two of these posts aren't going to hurt anyone, and it's not like I feel that bad for having vulnerabilities, but it seems like if anything has gone even a bit wrong in my life I have to write a bad Facebook post instead of actually facing my problems! Which gives me a good reason to write about them in order to face them. I suppose I could simply privately journal these issues, but what fun is it to not put yourself out there? This only leads to fruitless self-journals where I write to only me because I never envision anyone else seeing them and they never get written because I then feel no motivation for writing them!

In fact, here's one where I took more than two years to write two adjoining entries. Yeesh.

It isn't to say that self-journalism or dear-diarying doesn't have its place like, for example, much more sensitive or personal musings like stories to remember, but I have much more motivation to make these longer posts in the interest of helping myself or perhaps helping others who see my daily struggles and could perhaps learn from them at the very least. In any case, I need to motivate myself in order to keep actually writing so that this blog doesn't die and I give myself yet another reason to feel bad. In any case, it's soo much cheaper than actually paying for therapy!

Now back to my whinings, some of which I have indeed taken steps privately to overcome. I have finally become independent (at least for now)! I have my own apartment now! More importantly, I don't live with my parents anymore! I have a college degree which, while it hasn't landed me a job yet, has gotten me something of a background for Twitch streaming!

I suppose I don't necessarily need someone to be my love, although having someone around would certainly be nice; it doesn't help that I'm currently older than when any of my three older sisters got married, but I am currently younger than my parents' 29-year-old marriage. That also seems to be the US Average, so given that a relationship tends to take several years to develop into a healthy marriage, statistics say I've got a little more than a year of more of this struggle to put up with (taking a 2-year dating life into account), so at the very least I can shut up about it.

Also, (while not actually in any of the above whinings, is related to said whinings) who cares that I don't make The Pokemon Video Game Masters' World Championships for the third year in a row (assuming I don't achieve my invite this year)?? Literally just me, and I suppose maybe some of my competitive friends, but not making the World Championships this time around is not going to change all of their perspectives about me, nor should it if I'm honest. Like, winning is fun and all, but someone has to take one for the team.

What they should care about is how I act at these tournaments, which if I'm quite honest, has been moderately mediocre, but I'm human so I'm allowed to have some moments of weakness. I can always reflect + improve later. (Through this blog, even!) In addition, not attending a World Championship due to not having all finances in order isn't too bad, anyway, since I've even had the privilege to compete in a World Championship once before. That's something not everyone* can say and sometimes never even get to say! 

*Unless you talk about 2016 Worlds, but we don't talk about 2016 Worlds. Invites were plentiful, and the only reason you couldn't go is if you had other plans or didn't have the means to fly across the country. But why am I talking about this and contradicting myself? I'm a basket-case!*

Finally, I might as well ramble about money while I'm on the subject. Our world may very well be spiraling out of control right now, in terms of how shaky diplomacy, economies, and security of the free world are at the moment, but you know what? Events usually tend to correct themselves in due time. Or if it doesn't, we won't be in pain too long when we die suddenly anyway from the potential nuclear holocaust! Win-win! 

What I mean by all this is, despite the world powers who make like Uncle Scrooge and sap the money away from the rest of us, there's quite possibly good reasons these few make money with such acumen. Like keeping a budget tighter than yoga pants! It's not to say there aren't any larger issues at work in the power struggles of modern America and the world around us, but to simply crawl under a metaphorical rock, curl in a fetal position, fold your arms, and proclaim "Nope, to the Heck-world with it all!" is not a proactive way to approach life, even if it is a mildly amusing picture to put in your head.

the face when: Nope.
In my case, my metaphorical rock is a bed. I'm not Patrick Star, after all...

Therefore, in order to get better about money, I've at least drafted in the real world how I go about budgeting now. I may even make a blog post about that soon, although something about being public about one's own money sort of makes me feel uneasy. If that doesn't happen, at the very least I've planned about all my other problems and random topics I feel like rambling about that you could possibly read at night with your tablet or phone at the lowest brightness setting before you go to sleep at night.

Here's to a better we. Welcome to my Internet Island of Naive and Happy Blog Posts. Hope you enjoy your stay.

(and feel free to leave comments here, on social media, or talk about it on my Discord!)


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